Kendra Davis

Ms. Kendra Davis, is a Femininity Coach, Author, and Founder of the Crimson Cure YouTube channel, which was started on January 12, 2015.  Her channel has over 12 million views and 82,500 subscribers who are taught the foundational principles of Reclaiming The Black Feminine. Using her growing platform, she aims to help Black women become better women and wives, thereby giving new hope for rebuilding the Black nuclear family.

I am pro-femininity and anti-feminist. Yes, you read that correctly. Also, yes, I was born in America, and so were my parents, and their parents. I know it seems a bit odd that in the current climate of progressive thinking, inclusion, and empowerment that a woman would be anti-feminist. However, I assure you dear reader that I exist, and I am not alone.

Accepting our purpose as women seems quite timely if we take our changing environment into account. Our purpose is true and the social construct that is feminism is false. We cannot override in a couple of generations the male/female dynamics that have served mankind well for hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of years. Saying women don’t need men and don’t have to comply with them doesn’t change human evolution or biological imperatives. We absolutely do need to be amenable and compliant with the other half of the human race. It no sense not to be. How would we have survived as a species if we were meant to operate independently of one another? We wouldn’t have, and the same remains true today despite our cultural advancements. As I’ve stated many times before in this work, there is absolutely no shame in being and accepting who we really are as women. Just because our feminine roles have been presented as weaknesses doesn’t mean that is true. Anything is at its best when it is operating according to its intended purpose. If it performs some extra functions that are wonderful, but if it fails to do what it was intended to do, the extra functions are not as valuable and may even be considered useless. There is no pride in being useless all because we find our function to be inherently demeaning. In short, feminism is worthless both in theory and in practice, and because of that, it has not added any value to women. In fact, it has stolen the incredible value that women have and rendered us a mere shell of what we truly are. Accepting our true purpose as women is the inherent value we have and can build upon. We can discover our true power once we accept our true purpose and only when we accept that purpose. From there we can build on all the wonderful characteristics and nuances that make femininity the beautiful and powerful force that it is and has always been. The true power is in understanding and acceptance. Through acceptance, we receive the respect and care that we need and want. When we support our sisters, our families, our children, our men, and our communities, we do so much good and so much more to repair the damage that has been done. It begins with each individual woman making the conscious choice, which extends ultimately to our neighborhoods and the collective.